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Pro Am Jam Registration

MENS AND LADIES tournaments are full. New registrations will be added to the waitlist.

Registration includes:

  • Admittance into all events Thursday–Sunday
  • Breakfast and lunch on the golf course each day and evening hors d’oeuvres on Thursday. Food will be available for purchase on Friday and Saturday night.
  • Golf and cart fees Friday–Saturday (does not include member cart fee, guest green fee, or any Thursday practice round fees).

Register to Play

  • Players must be a Country Club member. Only full golf members are eligible. The exception to this rule is for major sponsors only ($6,000+ level). The members of a major sponsor team are not required to be golfing members at The Country Club.
  • The maximum handicap for a player in event is 18. If your handicap exceeds 18, you are still welcome and encouraged to play, however your event index will be 18.0.
  • All players must have a USGA handicap index that is in effect as of the August 1st GHIN revision

MENS teams are fulfilled for 2024.

  • A lottery system will be used again this year. You will receive a notification from The Country Club, if you were chosen. Registration is below.
  • Registration is by teams of 3 only. Players can register and pay for their own entry individually. Your teammates must also visit the website and register within 7 days, or the team will lose its spot. There will be no guaranteed space for those registering as singles.
  • Amateur players must be a golf-eligible member at the Country Club of Sioux Falls, a major sponsor ($6,000+ level), or a hole sponsor.
  • The Men’s Pro Am Jam consists of both team and individual competitions. All players are automatically entered into both competitions. There is room for 50 three-man teams (150 men).

Entry Fee: $500.00

LADIES REGISTRATION IS FULL!!!! ENTRIES will now be added to the waitlist.

  • The Ladies Pro Am Jam is open to members of the Country Club of Sioux Falls and their guests.
  • Shotgun time is 1:00 PM and 4:00 PM.
  • Ladies must register as a team of 3. Each team member will need to visit the website to sign up and pay. For those who are singles, please contact the Pro Shop who will help to form a team of 3.

Entry Fee: $50.00

Register for Pro Am Jam

All registration is online. Complete the form below. All fees will be charged to the member's account. Please list your partners names. However, they will each need to complete their registration and submit payment. Each player will need to register individually and list each player on your team.

Ladies will need to indicate if you have a guest playing on your team–guest fees will come out of inviting members’ CCSF account. Please indicate who will be charged if non-member.


The Country Club of Sioux Falls
3400 W 22nd St, Sioux Falls, SD

August 8-11, 2024 Directions


Guest Info